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Create your digital business card

Digital Barbaros Card

Barbaros Card is a personalized digital business card that you can share with others via QR code. No more piles of paper cards after a meeting!
Example of digital barbaros business card
Welcome to the digital era of networking

What is Barbaros Card

Imagine: you’re at a networking party. Sharing contacts is vital but you have no printed business cards, and it takes a long time to type in your phone number or username to every person’s phone.

Instead, people scan a QR code on your smartphone and automatically get your digital business card with all the contacts you want to share! Easy, fast, and conscious.

Networking with mobile phone

How to Create a Card

  1. Log in on the Digital Barbaros Card page with your Google account
  2. Enter your name and fill in the description with a bit of info about yourself
  3. Upload a picture of yourself in JPEG, JPG, or PNG format
  4. Add all the contacts you find necessary: it can be email, phone, messenger, or social media accounts
  5. Under the label “Custom” add links to the projects you’d like to show on the card
  6. Your data is saved automatically. You can preview your card by clicking “Preview”
  7. To activate the card and make it visible to others, tick the “Active” box below
  8. To save a personal link to your card, press “View” and copy the link
Algorithm of creating a card
To share your card with another person, just open the card link on your smartphone and let your new friend scan the QR code. The page with your contact info will open in their browser at once.

Card Creator

Login to create your very own digital business card. Show the QR code to a new friend to share your contact info.